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About Us


Health & Nutritional Analysis

The first step on the road to healthy living is stepping back and finding out what your body is getting so we can find out what your body needs! Nutrition is our business!

Massage Therapy with Aromatherapy


God created our bodies to be self-healing and self-regenerating. By massaging and stimulating specific areas, your organs are unstressed, circulation is increased, congestion and toxicity are eliminated.

Herbs & Vitamins


We have numerous brands of Herbs, Vitamins, Homeopathic Remedies and Nutritional Products we offer at

Healthy Touch. These are all part of the arsenal towards a "health touch"!



Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is a complete medical system that has been used to diagnose, treat and prevent illness for over 23 centuries. It can remedy ailments, alter states of mind, and enhance recuperative power and immunity.

Ionic Detoxification Footbath


The Ionic Foot Bath may be the easiest way to eliminate poisons and toxins from your body.

Low-Level Light Therapy

Low Level Light Therapy was developed by NASA to regenerate astronauts' muscle, ligament, and connective tissue during prolonged weightlessness. It also regenerates collagen and elastin which regenerates skin and reduces and removes wrinkles. 


At Healthy Touch Whole Health Care, we acknowledge God, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Living and Written Word of God as our primary Healers. In Exodus 15:26 The Lord, Our Healer tells us, “If you will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord your God and will do what is right in His sight, and will listen to and obey His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases upon you which I brought upon the Egyptians, for I am the Lord Who heals you.”  God is our Healer, therefore, we begin each treatment and consultation with a prayer petition to God to please do the Healing. And because our God is a Mighty God, we have seen many miracles take place.

At Healthy Touch Whole Health Care, we begin with prayer and ask God to do the Healing. In the book of Mark, Yeshua (Jesus) says, “And these attesting signs will accompany those who believe: in My Name . . . they will lay hands on the sick and they will get well.” In my 40 years in the Healing Arts and Sciences, I have learned to utilize Prayer, Scripture, Nutritional Consultations, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Herbal and Homeopathic Detoxification, Nutritional Endocrinology, Diet and Nutrition, Nutritional Products to help children, teens, adults, and seniors receive the excellent health that “God promises and wants for them.”

-Howard Elrod, Owner 

Our Services


Years of Experience


Smiling  Clients


Master Certifications


Happy Staff


Howard Elrod is the owner of Healthy Touch Whole Health Care in Rome, GA. Growing up on a black angus cattle farm in Floyd County, Georgia in the 1950’s, Howard began to value the natural way of growing vegetables, fruit trees, grass and hay fed beef. He learned to appreciate the beauty, order and divinity of God’s creation! Romans 1:20 states, “For ever since the creation of the world, His invisible nature, His eternal power and divinity, have been made intelligible and clearly discernible through the His creation, His handiwork.”


In addition to physical health, Howard believes in Spiritual health also. Currently serving Shalom Rome since 1996 (formerly known as Beth Aliyah), Howard and his wife, Diane, serve as an elder and a Hebrew school teacher. 

Connect with Healthy Touch on Facebook! 

Howard Elrod - Nutritionist

In 1970, Howard began giving bodywork treatments. He has practiced acupuncture since 1980 and has been in professional practice in Massage Therapy beginning in 1976. Since 1995, Howard has practiced Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, and Nutritional Counseling at Healthy Touch Whole Health Care in Rome, Georgia.

Howard Elrod

"The leaves of it's trees were for the healing of the nations..."

Proverbs 31:8 TLV


I was diagnosed with toxic mold exposure from the doctors, but no one knew how to treat it. With pains in my head for 8 weeks, I finally went and visited Howard. He started me on a detox program that relieved my head pains and body of fungus and mold! Every day I am seeing progress. So thankful! Thanks, Howard!

Brittni G.

Lauren and Judson were unable to become pregnant. We prayed and asked God to open Lauren's womb. Lauren and Judson did a two month Herbal and Homeopathic Detoxification Program. Both underwent Acupuncture for Fertility. On feb. 5, 2010, Elsie Clare was born beautiful and in perfect health to this loving couple.

Jane D.

I had nausea and diarrhea for a year. I had undergone every test that the medical community offers with no illness or condition being found. I was then referred to Howard Elrod for a health consultation. We discovered that I had toxic chemicals in various organs in my body. I began a cleanse to remove these toxins. I no longer have any nausea or diarrhea, and have regained all my strength! 


Success Stories


Our Address

504 Riverside Parkway, Suite 104
Rome, Georgia 30161

To book an appointment with Howard Elrod, please contact Healthy Touch offices. 

Tel: 706-232-0708

or text Howard at 706-767-4029 

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday  10:00AM - 7PM

Saturday & Sunday  -  CLOSED


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